An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Benefits of Millets Dietary Supplementation for Pregnant Women Among Female Health Workers


  • Deepika Nirmalkar M.Sc. Nursing Student, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Abhilekha Biswal Professor, Department of Nursing, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Seema Santosh Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India


effectiveness, knowledge, millets, pregnancy, supplementation


Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman's womb. Good antenatal care includes regular screening which can detect and prevent early complications such as hypertension and pregnancy diabetes; both of which can dramatically affect the foetus. Millet is a whole grain that's packed with protein, antioxidants, and nutrients. It may have numerous health benefits, such as helping lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Millets should be eaten best during the second and third trimesters which is best during pregnancy. They are enriched with fiber, antioxidants, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper and vitamin. Objectives: 1. To assess the pre test and post test knowledge score regarding benefits of millets dietary supplementation for pregnant women among female health worker of selected community in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. 2. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding benefits of millets dietary supplementation for pregnant women among female health worker of selected community in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. 3. To associate the pretest score of knowledge regarding benefits of millets dietary supplementation for pregnant women with selected sociodemographic variable. Material and methods: An experimental study was conducted among 60 female health workers of selected community Bhilai, Chhattisgarh in November 2021. Female health workers were selected by purposive sampling technique. Information regarding socio-demographic and knowledge regarding benefits of millets was recorded in pre-designed, pre -tested questionnaire. Data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Major findings of study are- over all analysis of pre test and post test knowledge score regarding benefits of millets dietary supplementation for pregnant women among female health workers, in pre test majority score 34(56.67%) had average knowledge, 16(26.67%) had good knowledge and 10(16.67%) had poor knowledge regarding benefits of millets dietary supplementation for pregnant women. While in posttest knowledge score of health workers majority 58 (96.67%) had good knowledge and 2(3.33) had average knowledge. So, it indicates that knowledge score improved from average to good after planned teaching programme on benefits of millets.


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How to Cite

D. Nirmalkar, A. Biswal, and S. Santosh, “An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Benefits of Millets Dietary Supplementation for Pregnant Women Among Female Health Workers”, IJRAMT, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 204–206, May 2022, Accessed: Feb. 05, 2025. [Online]. Available: