A Study to Assess Academic Burnout and Self-Concept Among Adolescents in Selected Urban Community, Bhilai, (C.G.)


  • P. U. Christina M.Sc. Nursing Final Year, Department of Child Health Nursing, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Abhilekha Biswal Principal, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Daisy Abraham HoD, Department of Pediatrics, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Anu S. Thomas Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Neha Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India


academic burnout, academic self-concept, adolescents


Background: Burnout is a negative physical, mental, and emotional state that arises in response to stress. While it’s traditionally associated with working professionals, it can impact anyone who participates in specific kinds of activities. Objectives: 1. To assess the level of academic burnout among adolescents in selected community at Bhilai (C.G). 2. To assess the level of academic self-concept among adolescents in selected community at Bhilai (C.G). 3. To find out the correlation between academic burnout and self-concept among adolescents in selected community at Bhilai (C.G). 4. To find association between academic burnout and the selected socio-demographic variables. 5. To find association between academic self-concept and the selected socio-demographic variables. Setting and Design: A quantitative research approach with non-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The study focused on adolescent from selected urban community Bhilai (C.G.) Material and Methods: Totally 60 adolescents between age 17-19 were enumerated from the selected urban community Bhilai (C.G.) after obtaining informed consent. Data was collected by tool using modified Maslach burnout scale (3-point rating scale) to assess academic burnout and modified academic self-concept scale to assess the academic self-concept among adolescents (3-point rating scale). Results: Score analysis indicates that among three areas under study in academic burnout, maximum score was in emotional exhaustion (49.69% with the mean of 7.95 and SD of 3.35) and the overall analysis of academic burnout among adolescents indicates that among three criteria under study, maximum score was in moderate burnout 33(55%), 16(26,67%) severe burnout and 11(18.33%) mild burnouts. Score analysis indicates that among three areas under study in academic self-concept, maximum score was in teacher-student relationship 152.8% (with the mean of 15.28 and SD of 3.52) and the overall analysis of academic self-concept among adolescents indicates that among four criteria under study, maximum score was in average academic self-concept 48(80%) and 12(20%) poor academic self-concept. Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation was calculated to find out the correlation between the study variables and found to be “r” = +0.48. Hence, moderate positive correlation (0> r <1) between academic burnout and academic self-concept is identified that means as academic burn out increases, academic self-concept also increases among the adolescents. On applying chi square test, the findings reveals that there is a significant association between academic burnout and sociodemographic variables like gender, area of residence and mother’s education as the calculated chi-square values was (χ2=6.44, p>0.05), (χ2=7.63, p>0.05) and (χ2=6.88, p>0.05) which was greater than the table value. On applying chi square test, the findings reveals that there is a significant association between academic self-concept and demographic variables like age (χ2=9.61, p>0.05), father education (χ2=12.90, p>0.05), time spent for study (χ2=11.32, p>0.05), and time spent for breaks (χ2=8.58, p>0.05), as the calculated chi-square value was greater than the table value.


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How to Cite

P. U. Christina, A. Biswal, D. Abraham, A. S. Thomas, and N. Singh, “A Study to Assess Academic Burnout and Self-Concept Among Adolescents in Selected Urban Community, Bhilai, (C.G.)”, IJRAMT, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 101–103, Apr. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journals.ijramt.com/index.php/ijramt/article/view/2669