Cybersquatting: A Comprehensive Analysis of Definition, Facets, and Statistical Trends
Cybersquatting, Domain name squatting, Name-jacking, URL, ICANN, UDRPAbstract
Effective regulation is urgently needed to combat the illness known as "cybersquatting," which encourages cyber squatters to prey on vulnerable Domain Name Holders. Cybersquatting is viewed as a menace that has no boundaries given the state of circumstances in the globe today. A lot more has to be done in the Indian legal system to prevent cybersquatting, despite the fact that effective and proactive engagement has been crucial in resolving domain name disputes and setting clear laws in this area, according to several studies. The court must play an effective role by applying the law in a way that best captures the organic essence of the state, rather than relying just on statistics to demonstrate the overall development of any nation's digital infrastructure.
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