Impact of Guided Discovery Approach on the Academic Achievement Levels of Secondary School Biology Students with Different Learning Styles in Abuja Municipal Area Council
ability levels, achievement, guided inquiry, problem solving, retentionAbstract
The study determined impact of guided-discovery approach on the academic achievement levels of secondary school biology students with different learning style. The research design adopted for this study was quasi – experimental of pretest, post-test control group design. Cell Biology Achievement Test (CBAT) was used for data collection while guided discovery learning package was used as treatment instrument. Kuder Richardson formula 21 (KR-21 was used to determine the reliability coefficient of CBAT. The reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained Data were analyzed using Analysis of Co Variance ANCOVA) Results revealed that, there is significant difference in means scores of the experimental group of interpersonal learning style than control group. Also, in Imaginative learning style the result revealed that there was significant difference in mean achievement scores of the experimental group than the control group. In both learning styles, the gender was not determine the achievement with the result shown that there is no significant difference between the two sexes, i.e. the performance does not determine by the gender, therefore the null hypotheses were not rejected Based on these findings, the following recommended were made: that Guided discovery should be incorporated into the teaching method adopted by Biology teachers since there is a link between students’ learning style and the students’ achievement and guided discovery can enhance the students’ academic achievement. Biology teachers are encouraged to use guided discovery instructions to provide equal opportunity to students of different learning styles.
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