A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Ballon Therapy on Respiratory Parameters Among Children Aged Between 6-12 Years at Selected Hospital of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Balloon therapy, Respiratory parameters, Carrolls pulmonary index scoreAbstract
The current study aimed to assess the effectiveness of balloon therapy on respiratory parameters among children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection in selected hospitals at Bilaspur Chhattisgarh. quasi experimental research design is utilized to achieve the stated. Objectives: 1. To assess level of lower respiratory tract infection among children aged between 6-12 years in control group. 2. To assess the level of lower respiratory tract infection among children aged between 6-12 years in experimental group. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of Ballon therapy on respiratory parameters among Children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection in experimental Group. 4. To find out the association between the level of respiratory parameters among children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection in experimental group and control group with their socio demographic and clinical variables. Hypothesis: To examine the following hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance: H1: There is significant difference between pre test and post test level of respiratory Parameters among children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection in Control and experimental group. H2: There is significant association between the pretest level of respiratory parameters among children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection in experimental group and control group with their socio demographic and clinical variables. Projected Outcome/Hypothesis: For the present study Quasi experimental research design is utilized to achieve the stated objective. The study was based on the conceptual framework of Weinbach’s clinical practice general system model is to assess the effectiveness of balloon therapy on respiratory parameters among children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection. A quantitative research approach is used pilot study was conducted to confirm the feasibility of the study and determine the reliability of the tool. For main study consecutive sampling was done on 40 sample of children aged between 6-12 years with lower respiratory tract infection. The tool used for data collection consists of Socio demographic variables, Clinical variables and Modified Carroll’s Pulmonary index score. The data was analysed using the descriptive and inferential statistics where the result shows. The findings related to respiratory parameters in pre test and post test in experimental group. The post test (19), SD (2.92) is higher than the pre test score is (17.3), SD(5.11) and t value = 4.25 obtained, which is significant at P>0.005 so the H1 hypothesis is accepted. The findings related to respiratory parameters in pre test and post test in control group. The post test (36), SD (1.2) is higher than the pre test score is (36.7), SD (2.3) and t value = 1.29 obtained, which is non-significant at P value.
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