A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch Among Children of Primary School at Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh


  • Ranjita Xalxo M.Sc. Nursing Final Year, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Government College of Nursing, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India
  • Vartika Gouraha Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Government College of Nursing, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India
  • Ajeeta Panna Demonstrator, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Government College of Nursing, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India




Self Structured Teaching, Good Touch, Bad Touch


The current study aimed to assess the effectiveness of self-structured teaching program on knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch among children of Primary School at Bilaspur Chhattisgarh pre-experimental research design is utilized to achieve the stated. Objectives: 1. To assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge score regarding good touch and bad touch among children. 2. To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch among children. 3. To find out the association between post-test knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch and selected socio-demographic variables of the children. Hypothesis: H1: There will be a significant increased post test knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch among primary school children of Bilaspur (C.G.). H2: There will be significant association between post- test knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch with selected socio demographic variables of the primary school children. Major finding of the study: Study reveals that there was a significant difference between pre test – post test knowledge score regarding good touch and bad touch among children of primary school children pre test reveals that majority of subject 72% (72) have inadequate knowledge, 28% (28) have moderate knowledge & 0% (0) have adequate knowledge. In post test majority of subjects 58% (58) have adequate knowledge, 42% (42) have moderate knowledge & none of them have inadequate knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch. The overall mean, mean percentage of pre test score is 5.89 (5.89%) with standard deviation 2.083 & overall mean, mean percentage of post test score is 12.62 (12.62%) with standard deviation 3.106. the effectiveness of self-structured teaching program was significant. Difference between pre test and post level of knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch among children of primary school as calculated “Z- test” value 18.69 was greater than the table value 0.0202 at 0.05 level of significance, hence it was effective. Chi-square was calculated to find out the association between the post test score of primary school children with their selected socio demographic variables. It reveals that there was a significant association found between the post test scores of knowledge regarding good touch and bad touch like family structured. There was no significant association found between post test scores of knowledge level with socio demographic variables such as gender, education.


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How to Cite

R. Xalxo, V. Gouraha, and A. Panna, “A Pre-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch Among Children of Primary School at Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh”, IJRAMT, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 142–144, May 2024, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11371896.