A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge and Stress Level of Pubertal Changes Among Adolescents Girls in Rural and Urban Areas in Selected Schools in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Pubertal changes, Adolescents girlsAbstract
The current study aimed to assess the knowledge and stress level of pubertal changes among adolescents girls in rural and urban areas in selected schools in Bilaspur (C.G) A Comparative descriptive research design is utilized to achieve the stated. Objectives: 1. To assess the level of knowledge regarding pubertal changes among adolescents girls in rural and urban areas in selected school in Bilaspur (C.G.). 2. To assess the stress level of pubertal changes among adolescents girls in rural and urban areas in selected school in Bilaspur (C.G.) 3. To compare the knowledge and stress level of pubertal changes among adolescents girls in rural and urban areas. 4. To find out the association between level of knowledge and stress level of pubertal changes among adolescents girls in rural and urban areas with their selected socio demographic variables. Hypothesis: H1: There will be significant difference between level of knowledge and stress level of pubertal changes among adolescents girls. H2: There will be significant association between level of knowledge and stress level of pubertal changes among adolescents with their selected socio demographic variables. Projected Outcome/Hypothesis: The present study Comparative descriptive research design is used to accomplish the objective of the study. The study was based on the conceptual framework of modified General System Theory Ludwig Von Berfatallfy. A Quantitative research approach is used and Pilot study was conducted to confirm the feasibility of the study. For main study Convenient Sampling (non-probability) technique was used for the selection of adolescent girls. The counts of 100 in which 50 samples for rural and 50 sample for urban were selected for the study.
Copyright (c) 2024 Akansha Moses, Salma Khan

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