An Analysis of Students Reading Comprehension in Comprehending Descriptive Text at the First Grade Students in SMKN 5 Padang
Reading, Comprehending, Descriptive textAbstract
The purpose of this research was to describe students’ skill of class X Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik (TITL3) at SMK Negeri Padang in comprehending descriptive text in comprehending text there are 5 aspects can help the students to comprehend the text that is identifying main idea, find specific information, references, inference and vocabulary. The kind of this research was descriptive research. The population of this research were students of class X TITL 3 (Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik) SMK Negeri 5 Padang. The total number of sample members were 20 students chosen by cluster random sampling. The data were collected by reading test the students answer the questions based on the text. The result of this research showed the students skill in comprehending descriptive text was moderate. It was proved that 55% students had moderate in determining topic. Students ability in identification was moderate, it was proved 45% students had moderate. Students ability in description was moderate, 70% students had moderate. Students ability in identifying supporting detail was moderate, in fact 40% students had moderate, and students ability in vocabulary was low, it was proved 55% students had moderate.
Copyright (c) 2024 Feby Meuthia Yusuf, Elda Martha Suri, Tika Aprilia Putri

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