Colonization of Indian Women in Amitabh Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies


  • Rulika Borah Former Student, Tezpur University, Da Parbatia, India


Colonization, Oppression, Power, Patriarchal Society, Subaltern


Colonization and the capitalist economy that come with it have had a great impact on the lives of indigenous women. Generally in pre-colonial times, men and women had different yet equally important roles in their indigenous societies. However, the European culture rendered men superior to women and hence women were treated differently in colonial times. The aim of my paper is to study the effects of colonization on Indian women as depicted by Amitabh Ghosh in his novel Sea of Poppies and also study the different forms of suppressions imposed upon them by the patriarchal society. The theme of double colonization is shown through the characters of the protagonist, Deeti and other minor characters like Elokeshi, Paulette, Heeru and Munia. It also tries to show how the patriarchal society creates wrong images of women and challenges such images. The agents of power support the male dominated society and accept its notions regarding women in order to accomplish their own goals. The novel deals with various aspects of the Indian women’s problems. The power structure operating in the society makes the condition more difficult. In such conditions, the marginalized sections are not given the right to speak. The novel beautifully captures the agony of these marginalized and dispossessed women.


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How to Cite

R. Borah, “Colonization of Indian Women in Amitabh Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies”, IJRAMT, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 61–63, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: