Comparative Analysis of a Conventional Structure and a Diagrid Structure Subjected to Seismic Loading


  • Aarthi Senthilkumar Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus, Madurai, India
  • R. Umamaheswari Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Dindigul, India


Diagrid structures, etabs, comparative analysis, seismic loading


The construction of high-rise structures is rapidly increasing in all the countries. Due to unavailability of free land in urban areas, the architects and engineers have started designing cities vertically. The importance of horizontal forces is more in the process of selecting its load bearing structure as the height of a structure increases. The load-bearing structure must have sufficient strength to transfer all loads and impacts and also have appropriate rigidity, which is determined by the admissible amount of inclination at the top of the structure subjected to the lateral loading. Diagrid is a structural system in the periphery which resists the lateral forces by axial actions of diagonals provided in the exterior part instead of the conventional vertical columns. Due to the structural efficiency of diagrids, the columns can be eliminated hence providing flexibility in the design of floor plan. This paper will show the structural performance of both conventional and diagrid structure using ETABS v.15 . Various parameters like storey drift, storey displacement, storey drift and storey stiffness are obtained and compared in this study.


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How to Cite

A. Senthilkumar and R. Umamaheswari, “Comparative Analysis of a Conventional Structure and a Diagrid Structure Subjected to Seismic Loading”, IJRAMT, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 255–258, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: