Psychology behind Animal Cruelty; Exploring the Root Cause for Cruelty


  • Sinchan Das Director, Humanity Institute for Advanced Medical and Cultural Research, India
  • Priyankesh Mishra Research Scholar, Department of Mental Health, Humanity Institute for Advanced Medical and Cultural Research, India
  • Radha Modak Student, Humanity Institute for Advanced Medical and Cultural Research, India


Animal cruelty, Biology, Biological behavior, Experience, Ecology, Ecosystem, Equilibrium, Food chain, Health, Individualization, Life, Peace, Peace building, Stop violence, Violence


Nature is the balanced state, where all elements of the nature live harmoniously, under a fixed principle. This nature is devoid of discrimination and classification, but the human are found of classifying each species to prove them superior-most living species of the domain of life. This complex nature of human has been evident in the form of anger, aggression, ignorance, dominance, and cruelty. Hence, we can say that we are living in an era of violence that is being ruled by the super-sensual-super-conscious human mentality. This mentality has generated the sense of torturing, dominating and evil practices towards the lower group of species that has been classified as the animal cruelty. Charles Darwin and Haeckel in their books clearly described about the inter-relation of each organism; but, the hyper-superiority complex has subsides the factual evidences under the curtains of food chain, eating habits, and preservation. Reflecting to these synonymous findings Dr. Sigmund Freud in 1897 coined the term “imaginary cruelty” in his book Instincts and their Vicissitudes relating to humans and animals. Alas, he even condemned on the instinctive goal of a human that excused the narcissistic integrity of lower non-human animals as the cause to protect human civilization. Thus, relating to this entire fundamental scenario, we took several subjects and observed their behavior in the field of animal cruelty. This paper reflects on the fundamental obsession and dominative errors of human that led to animal cruelty rather to say a violent behavior of humans in the era of science of technology.


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How to Cite

S. Das, P. Mishra, and R. Modak, “Psychology behind Animal Cruelty; Exploring the Root Cause for Cruelty”, IJRAMT, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 20–27, Nov. 2021, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: