Statistical Approach to Estimate Energy Losses in Power Distribution System
Consumer energy, distribution transformer (DT), hypotheses, statistical, transmission and distribution lossAbstract
Power system losses comprises of technical losses caused due to lack of inadequate T&D capacity, too many transformation stages, improper load distribution and extensive rural electrification etc., non-technical losses due to inaccurate meter reading, unmetered supplies, theft and pilferage etc.& revenue losses due to non-realization of energy. So, accurate and proper evaluation of these losses in the power distribution system plays an important role in terms of technical and economic factors for power distribution utilities. This research paper aims at the estimation of total losses in the distribution system based on statistical approach. This statistical approach not only helps in the identification of technical and non-technical losses but also gives a direction to the utilities to reduce these losses and improve the overall health of their power distribution system.
Copyright (c) 2022 Rajneesh Pawar

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