Preparation and Characterisation of Fe2O3 Carbon Composite Anode Material for Li-ion Cells


  • Retty P. Reji M.Sc. Student, Department of Physics, St. Stephens College, Kerala University, Kerala, India


anode material, FESEM, Fe2O3, hydrothermal, Li-ion, low cost, nontoxic, nanoparticles, rechargeable batteries, XRD batteries


Electronics for everyday use frequently utilize lithium-ion batteries. They have one of the finest energies-to-weight ratios, a high open circuit voltage, a low self-discharge rate, no memory effect, and a modest loss of charge when not in use, easy to dispose making them one of the most popular types of rechargeable batteries for portable gadgets. It has several disadvantages despite its general is delicate and needs a protection circuit to continue operating safely. With the majority of Li-ion batteries, aging is a concern. Whether the battery is being used or not, after a year there is some capacity for degradation. Due to their high theoretical capacity, non-toxicity, low cost, and better safety, oxides like Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 have recently attracted more attention as extremely promising anode materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries. The current study focuses on hydrothermal modification of iron oxide carbon composite anode material. In order to analyze the iron oxide nanoparticles created by this approach, methods including x-ray diffraction for structural study and FESEM imaging for morphological analysis are used. Following that, we assess the viability and potential of Fe2O3 carbon composite nanoparticles as an anode material for Li-ion batteries based on our inferences from the structural and microstructural study.


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How to Cite

R. P. Reji, “Preparation and Characterisation of Fe2O3 Carbon Composite Anode Material for Li-ion Cells”, IJRAMT, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 29–33, Sep. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 05, 2025. [Online]. Available: