A Case Report on Garbhashaya Mukha Vrana (Erosion on Cervix)
cervical erosion, cervical secretions, infection, tumors, garbhashaya mukha, panchavalka Kashaya, jathyadi ghrutha, ashoka vatiAbstract
Ayurveda the Indian classic medicine of well-being focuses to maintain health of mankind and it reveals several female disorders and their management. Cervical erosions are most prevalent and about 80% found during gynaecological examination of sexually active woman. The PH of cervical secretions are alkaline and rich in fructose hostile to infections but mucous shows alterations in nature with accordance to menstrual cyle. Erosions on cervix are red or pink colour patches on cervical epithelium. Un healed or recurrent or infected wounds are predisposing factors in development of benign or malignant tumors. In modern medicine these lesions are treated with cryotherapy or electrico cautery. In ayurvedic approach, vrana on grabhashaya mukha adhistana can be better treated by cleaning with panchavalkala kashaya, application of jathyadi ghrita and taking Ashoka vati internally.Vrana on yoni are with the symptoms of pitta and kapha dusti.
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