DFMA Analysis of XYZ Headphone
modification, component count, redesigned product, existing product, DFM, DFMA, DFME, DFS, DFFMAAbstract
Electronic gadget headphone connected to the ears, to get better sound and better experience. Imperization of the existing product to convert modified product to utilize the product efficiency and the good experience towards the customer satisfaction. Day by day new innovative and innovation products are comes in market, because of that DFMA design for a manufacturing and assembly subject used to improve the product value toast market conditions analyzing the product. Convert in existing to modification of the product here, the headphone converted with reducing the number of components 17 to 11 improvement of design and easy carry comfortable to use direct connected to ears with Bluetooth connection.
Copyright (c) 2022 Shreyas U. Kulkarni, Vidyanand S. Desai

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