Oil Spill Cleanup by Using Non-Woven Fabrics


  • Pasunuti Vandana M.Tech. Final Year, Department of Textile Chemistry, SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal, India
  • A. Jothi Manikandan Associate Professor, Department of Textile Chemistry, SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal, India
  • N. Gokarneshan Associate Professor, Department of Textile Chemistry, SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal, India
  • S. Periyasamy HoD, Department of Textile Chemistry, SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal, Ind


non-woven fabrics, needle punch, oil spillage, oil spill cleanup


Oil is one of the important sources of energy in the modern industrial world. It has to be transported from the source of production to many places across the globe through oceans and inland transport. During transportation the chance of oil spillage over the water body occurs due to accidents or by deliberate action during war time and this causes environmental pollution. Sorbents made from structured fibre assembly are found to be the best. material to absorb oil spill. The oil sorption and retention behavior of sorbents are influenced by the material and structure of the sorbents and oil physical characteristics. For sustainable environment, disposal of used sorbents is a major issue. This paper reviews about oil spill cleanup with special emphasis on the phenomenon of oil sorption, methods of oil spill cleanup, characteristics of oil sorbent materials, fluid flow through fibrous materials, types of fibre materials envisaged for making sorbents and test methods for oil sorbents. In this project, we have planned to prepare samples using cotton, viscose, and polypropylene. The needle punched non-woven fabric was prepared by various parameters like needle punch density (100, 200, 300) and GSM (150, 250, 350). The oils used are diesel oil and 4T engine oil. After preparing, we have planned to test the samples by tensile strength, sorption, and retention test and give the conclude which sample has more oil spill cleanup absorption.


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How to Cite

P. Vandana, A. J. Manikandan, N. Gokarneshan, and S. Periyasamy, “Oil Spill Cleanup by Using Non-Woven Fabrics”, IJRAMT, vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 45–48, Oct. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journals.ijramt.com/index.php/ijramt/article/view/2812