From Traditional to Digital: The Evolution of the Business Environment – A Case of Marketing Dynamics


  • Rosslynne Anyango Ondondo Ph.D. Scholar, School of Business and Economics, Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Joanes K. Kyongo Associate Dean, School of Business and Economics, Daystar University, Nairobi, Kenya


business evolution, digital marketing, marketing mix, postmodernism


The business environment has shifted over the last few years. Indeed, more consumers of various products and services are utilizing online resources for answers to their needs. Products and services including entertainment and consumer products are increasingly being sought through online sources. This was evident in the surge of the use of social networks to gather information on products and services, interact with reviews on the same to ultimately make the decision on whether to purchase or subscribe to the said products and services. With further evolution of the internet, consumers of products and services started to utilize the online space for answers to needs. The year 2019 brought a global pandemic and this came with closure of face-to-face business interactions in several industries. With the effect of the macro environment and further, the digital evolution, businesses have had to cope with a shift on how to present their proposals to the users they seek to target, and this has led to a definite change from the use of traditional to use of digital approaches by businesses. This paper seeks to discuss the shift from traditional to digital. The paper intends to highlight discussions on the requirement for various businesses to adapt to the current prominent digital landscape presenting various cases in different industries that showcase this agility. The paper further seeks to highlight the marketing mix and the implication of this model to businesses in a digital context. The paper will then connect this to the postmodernism theory of globalization presenting the connection between the postmodern era and the marketing mix.


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How to Cite

R. A. Ondondo and J. K. Kyongo, “From Traditional to Digital: The Evolution of the Business Environment – A Case of Marketing Dynamics”, IJRAMT, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 12–15, Dec. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available: