Management of Agnimandhya in Children by Dietary Regimen


  • K. Syamily Raj PG Scholar, Department of P.G. Studies in Kaumarabhritya, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
  • Narayan Pai Associate Professor, Department of P.G. Studies in Kaumarabhritya, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
  • Jithesh Chowta Associate Professor, Department of P.G. Studies in Kaumarabhritya, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodabidri, Karnataka, India



Agni, Agnimandhya, Dietary Regimens


Agni considered as an important entity in the human body as it is an invariable agent in the process of digestion and assimilation. When there is diminished power of Agni it causes the condition called Agnimandhya. As the seat of Agni is mentioned as the grahani, the root cause for most of the grahani doshas are Agnimandhya. Children are considered as the most vulnerable population, because they are generally unable to express their problems completely. And they are considered to be having asampoorna bala, sukumara and akleshasaha they are prone to get so many diseases. Agni which plays an important role in children for their health as well as their disease. Improper diet and regimens like faulty dietary habits, pampering child, etc., cause Agnimandhya and which in turn it leads to all other grahani doshas such as ajeerna, athisara, chardi, etc. So, for the betterment of child health and there by getting mentally and physically strong kids we can follow some food regimens which maintain a proper Agni and there by cure the Agnimandhya.








How to Cite

K. S. Raj, N. Pai, and J. Chowta, “Management of Agnimandhya in Children by Dietary Regimen”, IJRAMT, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 51–53, Apr. 2024, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11004746.

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