Role of Takra in Grahani w.s.r. to Paediatric Conditions
Grahani, TakraAbstract
Grahanidosha is also called agnidosha. Grahanidosha is disease related to gastrointestinal disorder, which may occur due to impairment of Grahanyashrita Agni. Grahaniroga is associated with indigestion, dysphagia, disturbed bowel movement, constipation, abdominal pain, frequent motion with bad smell and anorexia are the main clinical observation of disease. The basic line of treatment involves restoration of Agni through Agnideepana, Pacana, Sangrahi and Shodhana approaches. Ayurveda classics mentions that takra acts as agnideepana, hrudya, avrusya, kaphavatahara. Takra will reduce malabaddhata, guruta, agnimandya. The symptoms occurred in children in grahani due to irregular diet habit, like overeating, more ingestion of cool, heavy, dry, fried and dehydrated food. To tackle all these problems takra plays vital role in grahani in children.
Copyright (c) 2023 Avinash Katti, Jithesh Chowta

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