A Study to Assess the Effect of Peer Relationship Enhancement Programs in Improving Socialization Among B.Sc. Nursing Students in Selected College at Bhilai, Chhattisgarh


  • Sarita Thakur M.Sc. Nursing Final Year, Department of Mental Health Nursing, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Roja Princy HoD, Department of Mental Health Nursing, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India
  • Abhilekha Biswal Principal, P.G. College of Nursing, Bhilai, India


Nursing is a science and art; moreover, a social science. General system theorists claims that human being is an open system that permit the inflow and outflow of information, energies, and materials. A professional nurse needs to consider this fact while rendering comprehensive care; seeing the whole person as a core value in nursing and pivotal to social nursing. In this new concept, nurse needs to be aware of the importance of establishing good relations, acknowledging that poor relations are often associated with poor experiences, which can be a barrier to treatment: “Working with relations is essential in understanding the person before us. The relation can, indeed, be key to treatment”. However, Nahid Jamshidi et al., (2016) in his study in technical nursing institute, Egypt showed that 50% students have inadequate communication, insufficient preparation, and less enthusiastic responses in the clinical training. Hence, 45.5% students lacked ability in confronting the clinical environment. Aim: The present study is aimed to assess the effect of peer relationship enhancement program in improving socialization among adolescents. Setting and Design: A pre – experimental, one group pretest design was adopted purposive sampling technique was used for the study. The study focused on peer relationship in improving socialization among nursing students from selected college of Bhiali (C.G.) Material and Method: Totally 60 students are adolescence were enumerated from from the selected college of Bhilai (C.G.) after obtaining informed consent. Data was collected using 34 questionnaires covering the area, i.e. communication skills, in terms of abiding to social norms, with regard to enduring relationship, in terms of confidence on self for behavioral modification self – structured questionnaire to assess the effect of peer relationship enhancement program in improving socialization among nursing students (checklist rating scale). Result: As the present study to find out the effect of peer relationship enhancement program in improving socialization among students. T-test to comparison of means score for socialization before and after the intervention mean and percentage analysis shows that overall mean score for socialization before the intervention was 25.38 ± 3.33 which was increased to 29.33±3.33 The difference in mean was analysed using paired t-test and a significant improvement in their socialization is statistical proved as a “t” value calculated that is 3.65 is higher than table value (2.05) at p>0.05 level of significant. Hence H1 that is There is a significance is accepted. Show the association between pre interventional socialization with selected socio demographic variables among students using χ2. Result proved that their area of residence (χ2=8.87 P>5.99) are statistically significantly associated with socialization. Hence H2 that is there is significant association between socialization and selected demographic variables like educational status and area of residence among nursing students is accepted.


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How to Cite

S. Thakur, R. Princy, and A. Biswal, “A Study to Assess the Effect of Peer Relationship Enhancement Programs in Improving Socialization Among B.Sc. Nursing Students in Selected College at Bhilai, Chhattisgarh”, IJRAMT, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 62–64, Feb. 2025, Accessed: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://journals.ijramt.com/index.php/ijramt/article/view/3025

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