Li-Fi Based Vehicle to Vehicle Communication
Eye blink sensor, Alcohol sensor, Mems sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino UNO, LCD, BuzzerAbstract
The traffic accident detection is becoming one of the interesting fields due to its tremendous application in intelligent transportation systems. Main causes behind these road accidents are lack of unskilled drivers, consuming alcohol while driving, over speed, sleep while driving. Plenty of solutions have been applied to prevent these road accidents. But most of them were failed to prevent this. In this work we present an advanced accident detection using Li-Fi technology. This work provides an intelligent system for accident prevention and detection for human life safety. That prevention part has various sensors like eye blink sensor, alcohol sensor and ultrasonic sensor. If the sensor detects whether the rider consumes alcohol or the distance between two vehicles is low, then it sends that information to another vehicle which is going in front it. So that they can be wide awake and if the driver is sleeping while driving means then the eye blink sensor detects it and give an alert to the driver.
Copyright (c) 2021 V. Surega, K. Arthi, B. Vinitha, M. Gokilavani, P. Veerasoundarya

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.