Biochemical Analysis of Siddha Monoherbal Drug Sadamanjil Choornam


  • N. Amrith Sam PG Scholar, Department of Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Palayamkottai, India
  • K. Pavithra PG Scholar, Department of Pura Maruthavum, Government Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Palayamkottai, India
  • A. S. Poonkodi Kanthimathi Professor and HOD, Department of Siddhar Yoga Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Palayamkottai, India


Insomnia, Biochemical Analysis, Thookaminmai, Sadamanjil Choornam


Siddha system is an ancient system of medicine practiced mainly in southern part of the India. Siddhars were the premiere scholars of the system in ancient times. Siddhars mainly hailing from Tamil Nadu laid the foundation of Siddha system of Medicine. Insomnia is an emerging problem seen now a days. Insomnia is present among people of all age group. Classical Siddha Literatures indicates the trial drug Sadamanjil choornam for Thookaminmai (Insomnia). Aim of the study is to record the biochemical analysis of the trial drug Sadamanjil choornam. This study reveals presence of biochemical substances present in sadamanjil choornam which will be effective in treating Insomnia.


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How to Cite

N. Amrith Sam, K. Pavithra, and A. S. Poonkodi Kanthimathi, “Biochemical Analysis of Siddha Monoherbal Drug Sadamanjil Choornam”, IJRAMT, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 82–83, Mar. 2022, Accessed: Mar. 11, 2025. [Online]. Available: