Dharithri: The Earth in Turmoil and the Fate of the Nation States
Colonial-Warfare-On-Nature, Earth-On-Reaction-Mode, Final-Judgment, Inexorable-Retribution, Present-CrisisAbstract
The article, Dharithri: The Earth in Turmoil & the Fate of the Nation States, is the result of my pursuit after the Truth, since my School Final year, 1969-70, regarding the subject “Where the World is heading? It was the year the Americans landed on the Moon, the event that not only sparked my curiosity and imagination, but also led me towards the quest, since the last 53 years, for the underlying forces of the Nature, including the cosmic laws that govern the entire Universe. Dharithri, [a Sanskrit term, meaning the Earth} comprises all the Non-Living systems and the Biota, i.e. all the Living Species, including Human beings. Once it became clear to me that the modern Science & Technology only brought wholesome destruction of innumerable species, resulting in their becoming extinct, I searched for alternative sources of knowledge and wisdom, including the Vedas, Upanishads, the Bible, the Quran & the Hadith, Sikhism, Judaism, Buddhism, the Prophecies and Predictions of the great Sages, Rishis, Seers and Prophets, and in a comparative study of these religions and coordinating them with the recent world history , the current International trends and the Global Phenomena, I could discern that ‘the World is heading towards a Great Catastrophe’! In reality, the world is sleepwalking into the final, disastrous World war, at the climactic stage of which the great Space Power, the Kalki, none other than the Second Coming, descends, for the Great Retribution on Earth! All the human iniquities since the Great Deluge, 13000 years ago, have been dragging the world towards this end only! Many of the sages’, prophets’ and seers’ prophecies and predictions have been vindicated and the remaining ones are going to be vindicated, once we assess the high rate of their predictions being already vindicated. The colonial warfare on the Nature, since the onset of industrial revolution, the Symptoms of Earth’s turmoil, the hustle of the nation states towards the final showdown, in the aftermath of which only one sevenths of the humanity survives, the Doom and the Post-Doom-Humanity were given in this article.
Copyright (c) 2022 Nageswara Rao Bandi

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