The Five Tinder Boxes and the Final World War on Earth


  • Nageswararao Bandi Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India
  • Vasudev Chawla Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India


belligerent-nations, quantum satellites, robo armies, space war, the-kalki-none-other-than-second-coming, world-on-a-ticking-time-bomb


The cold war has arisen, after 32 years, with frightful omens for the world. Now the world is sitting on the ‘ticking-time-bomb’, since there are, already, ‘Five Tinderboxes’, ready to explode any moment! Humanity won’t have peace for more than two decades henceforth. Once China, the Dragon, gobbles up the island nation of Taiwan and the South China Sea, the world would be on the threshold of the ‘Final World War’ on earth! The present Russia- Ukraine war is only the prelude to the more disastrous war in the South China Sea! During the World war- 2, there were no nuclear weapons, supersonic stealth fighter planes, quantum satellites, cyber warfare, space warfare, global pandemic level warfare, cosmic-golf technology etc. The ‘Inexorable’ is going to happen! Against the ‘Rock-of-the-Cosmic-(Divine)-Law, Earth’s conquerors and exploiters hurl themselves eventually to their own destruction. The dictum of the Scripture that ‘Destroyers of the Earth shall be destroyed’ is going to be vindicated, through the Ultimate Space Power (the Kalki, none other than the Second Coming), and the All-smothering-Doom, henceforth everlasting peace would be established on earth.


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How to Cite

N. Bandi and V. Chawla, “The Five Tinder Boxes and the Final World War on Earth”, IJRAMT, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 79–89, Dec. 2022, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available: