Hydrometeorological Disaster Risk Reduction Facing the La Nina Phenomenon in Supporting Sustainable Development
SFDRR, SDGs, La Nina, North JakartaAbstract
This study aims to explain hydrometeorological disaster risk reduction as part of the implementation of the targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) in dealing with the La Nina phenomenon. Areas affected by the La Nina phenomenon will have high rainfall, causing more extraordinary flood events. Success in disaster risk reduction activities can be used as an indicator of success in achieving sustainable development targets or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this case, the achievement of several targets in the SFDRR and SDG targets can be used as indicators in reducing flood risk. The suitability of these targets is used to measure the success of local governments (districts/provinces) in implementing SFDRR which can also be used as an indicator of success in achieving several targets in the SDGs. The case study was conducted in North Jakarta. The choice of research location in North Jakarta is since every time a La Nina phenomenon appears, the area is affected by a hydrometeorological disaster (flood) which causes many houses and public facilities to be submerged and infrastructure damaged. It is not entirely wrong to state that the occurrence of major floods was triggered by the La Nina phenomenon, the impact of climate change, and extreme weather.
Copyright (c) 2022 Wilopo, Poetika Puspasari, Ernalem Bangun, Dian Efrianti, Mitro Prihantoro

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