The Role of Pentahelix in Post-Tsunami Recovery in Pandeglang District


  • Wilopo Department of Disaster Management for National Security Faculty, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Sentul IPSC Area, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Syamsunasir Department of Disaster Management for National Security Faculty, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Sentul IPSC Area, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Anwar Kurniadi Department of Disaster Management for National Security Faculty, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Sentul IPSC Area, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Mitro Prihantoro Department of Disaster Management for National Security Faculty, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Sentul IPSC Area, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Poetika Puspasari Department of Disaster Management for National Security Faculty, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Sentul IPSC Area, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Dian Efrianti Department of Disaster Management for National Security Faculty, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Sentul IPSC Area, Bogor, Indonesia


Pentahelix, Tsunami, Pandeglang


The tsunami disaster which had an adverse impact that claimed many lives and bodies as well as the natural environment both on land is a threat to the development of future generations. One of the threats from the tsunami disaster was damage to facilities and infrastructure, damage to the natural environment, and the difficulty of returning to normal life again. This impact will result in disruption of public security and human security. The huge adverse effects of the tsunami, such as the large number of victims and extensive environmental damage, always have a negative impact on the economy. The wheel of the economy is not running well, it will disrupt people's lives, such as not being able to carry out activities to find the necessities of life. The next impact is that it will disrupt human security, public security and state security, which in the end will endanger national security. The role of Pentaheliks is very large in disaster management, namely the TNI, Regional Government, Media, Academics, and the business world.


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How to Cite

Wilopo, Syamsunasir, A. Kurniadi, M. Prihantoro, P. Puspasari, and D. Efrianti, “The Role of Pentahelix in Post-Tsunami Recovery in Pandeglang District”, IJRAMT, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1–3, Feb. 2023, Accessed: Feb. 11, 2025. [Online]. Available: